We’re a multidisciplinary team making the complex topic of human anatomy clear and visual.

Swimming might be the worst thing to learn by reading, but human anatomy is not far down the list. Texts are great, but they have their limits. When building our top-notch anatomy learning tools, we rely on the power of visual language.

We want to put the classic anatomy textbooks and overwhelming digital encyclopedias to rest. Welcome to the new era, where learning tools guide you through complex topics step-by-step with detailed simplicity instead of overloading you with all the available information at once.

At the center of these tools are our 3D, 2D and motion images, which allow an understanding of human anatomy with little to no textual explanation.

Simple - Detailed

Simplicity is central to everything we do – artists and medical students need an efficient way to learn without being overwhelmed. With an unmatched level of information clarity, we help them keep focus. Yet, our materials might also be the most detailed and structured you will find.

We won’t tell you.

We’ll show you!

Will human anatomy suddenly become an easy topic? No chance. But it becomes much better with our visualizations.

We color-code the countless pieces that make up human anatomy so that they're visible individually, free from noise. Plus we make it 3D to show their every angle.

Anatomy Next team

Seeing brought us together

In the 2000s, a community of artists tried translating medical anatomy texts into visual information applicable to their everyday work. That’s how our bestselling Anatomy for Sculptors books were born!

During the development of these books, medical professionals and anatomy experts joined us to ensure their accuracy. They realized that the visual approach also works for medical studies. This brought Anatomy.app into the world.

That’s how our multidisciplinary team of 3D and 2D artists, medical professionals, university professors, content writers, information designers and programmers came together. We continue to create accessible learning tools of exceptional quality with visual information at their core.

Together in innovation

On the 26th of April 2024 SIA, Anatomy Next has signed an agreement Nr. 17.1-1-L-2024/233 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project “Export Support Activity Plan”, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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